Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Mother'sDay

What a great day I had. Got to sleep in (best present ever). My youngest daughter, Amanda, spent the weekend here (well, on and off in between seeing friend). Went to Ruby's for lunch ( discovered there turkey burger with brie and cranberry sauce...yum!), went shopping (good shopping day), got home and flowers were delivered to me from my daughter, Melyssa and son-in-law, Darkel. Both had also called and wished me a great day!


Had a surf n turf dinner cooked by my hubby, sweet dessert, and then some gifts from Amanda!

Was able to finish my sister's KINGS purse-just needed to add a button, that's all the craftiness that got done today!


Plus mother's day is extended-Melyssa is coming to spend the evening her on Tuesday!


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