Friday, November 14, 2014

Long time no blogging.....


Ever since we "updated" my iPhone and iPad to the "newest" IOS last week, I had been unable to use Blogsy to write posts from my iPad. That wouldn't be so tragic if our home computer hadn't died as well. After much investigation and time, my wonderful husband was able to fix my iPad and iPhone, and then he went and bought me a new computer (he is a serious MAC guy, but I have to have IBM to support all my embroidery patterns on my Bernina), so he was forced to buy an IBM laptop. Then he took the time to transfer all my stuff from the old computer to the that guy!




  1. Hi JoEllen! The new IOS was a pain in the patooty, that's for sure. Whoop Whoop for your husband getting you all set up again! Loving all the Autumn colors in your beautiful pinwheel quilt top!

  2. What a great hubby to do all the tech stuff for you!

  3. Hello Joellen,
    How many of us would be blogging were it not for the menfolk sorting out the computers? Not me, for a start. A big cheer for helpful husbands everywhere, and another one for your lovely quilt top.
    Love from England, Muv
