Sherwood and I spent a relaxing week up in the Eastern Sierras at a cabin.
The cabin was fully equipped, but Sherwood always brings the quilt I made him to put on the bed:
So, while Sherwood does a lot of this:

I do a lot of this:
Started and finished a super easy charm pack quilt. I have had this material hanging out for ages and this seemed a great time to do super simple, relaxing sewing!
Sherwood picked some Aspen, Crabapple and other leaves for me and I traced and then. Made about 70 turned under leaves to applique into a fall quilt and runner:
I also took the 80 blocks I strip pieced so I could make 1-2 quilts, but when I sewed the rows together....disastrous eye, so, so, busy...I had to rethink and possibly add plain rows in between to make the quilt I actually went to work on some baby bibs and burp cloths....tons of relatives and friends are pregnant! I also made red and blue binding for our niece's twins due soon....those two quilts are almost done!
And I added 1 more flower to my garden:
While Sherwood was out fishing, I had birds and chipmunks to feed and they kept me company and entertained!
And a gorgeous view of the stream and countryside! Right from our balcony!
We ate some great meals and and out of the cabin....had to go into town to get any kind of reception!

The only "fly in the ointment" is that I lost the diamond out of my wedding ring! I only noticed it when we were on our way home! We turned around and searched the cabin, but no luck! When we got home we searched through all our luggage and camping/quilting gear and still.....nothing!

We will get through this dilemma together! I was rather in love with my ring, so that was sad for me!
Other than that, being away without electronic devises (not counting my Bernina), was nice......unplugged is a great change!