I have been wanting to make some quilts for around the house that are not JUST for holidays! I fell in love with this material and knew the colors would go great with my living room decor! It's in the flimsy stage, still needs quilting and binding! It's next up on the Longarm.
Sorry, crappy pictures indoors! I will post others when it's completely done!
This was a prototype banner:
I helped my bff made one for her business:
And one for her beautiful home:
Also finished this QOV quilt. It is also in a flimsy stage:

I thought for a change I would do the hsts into a distinctive diamond with separated red/blue color, as opposed to the quilt I made mixing just light/dark diamonds many moons ago:
Actually looking at them both side by side per se, I do prefer the one the separates the colors!
Also had my Hallowee Quilt out, separating the den from my very messy sewing studio:
Haven't quilted it yet because I still feel it's an eyesore, not the string quilt I was hoping for!
Best news in a long time is that I spend a much needed vacation with my bff in Florida. It's our annual trip. Susan ran her 40th, yes 40th half marathon (gulp, yes that is correct) and we got to stay at the Ritz Carlton, treated like royalty, spent a day in Savannah touring the city and shopping. Amelia Island is a wonderful little community with wonderful shopping and awesome restaurants. The Best Caesar Salad, fish n chips I've ever had was in Amelia Island, plus the shopping I did put a dent in my Christmas list!
Best of all I actually got to meet Susan at the finish line as The finish line was at the beach in back of our hotel!

Also got to spend a few hours on the sand in chaise lounges, relaxing, laughing and collecting shells!
Thelma and Louis Rock!