Our son-in-law left for a 6 month deployment on January 21:
He is on a Destroyer:
He is due back July 21st and the baby is due July 28th!
We are so proud of him and our thoughts and prayers are constantly with him!
The cold weather always makes the urge to knit impossible to ignore! I have made 4 cowls this last couple of weeks! One for my youngest daughter (who has yet to send me a photo), but modeled here by my husband:
And one for my pregnant daughter who graciously sent me a picture:
And 2 others not yet gifted!
And what is currently on my needles, a scarf that I am immensely enjoying knitting even though it is a more complex pattern then I usually knit:
My progress:
Also finished a QOV top for a veteran at work! It is now being quilted by Theresa:
Also on a whim (and because of a MSQC daily deal), I bought 2 layer cakes and whipped up a "Rouge One" Quilt for a friend, made extra large because her hubby is TALL and she has 4 boys who might cuddle under it!
Busy quilt made from one of my favorite patterns, DOUBLE SLICE from MSQC!
I think all the major players are covered:

And I wanted to mention how lovely it is to get a present in the mail! Amanda encouraged me on her last visit home to drink water....I was a caffeine free Diet Pepsi girl, who is now converted to a flavor enhanced water girl...so to encourage me she sent me presents:
I am only drinking water now, with 1 Diet Pepsi a day!
And speaking of Amanda, she is already being a great "Auntie", sending her Sister gifts for the baby to be:
That baby is already being spoiled!