Wednesday, April 6, 2011


My daughter and sister-in-law came into California to celebrate Sherwood's 50th birthday. It was sure nice to see them, visit, eat, shop, and party with them!

I had to send off my daughter on Monday morning. I was lucky enough to be able to leave work to have breakfast with her and her dad before she boarded her plane from LAX.

I still wonder every time she leaves---when will I see her again? Will she be ok? What if she needs me and I'm not there and Virginia is SO FAR AWAY?
Will she ever move home, and if not, how will I get to know her beautiful beau? And what if she gets married and has my grandchildren and I can't hold them everyday?

Yikes, I know she is growing and maturing and she is on the right path for a very successful future.....and I know it's not like I am sending a child to Afghanistan...but....will my heart break EVERY time she leaves?????

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely an emotional roller coaster watching our children grow and become the wonderful young adults we raise them to be. We are proud of how wonderful they are and celebrate the successes in their lives, but they are still our children forever holding a piece of our heart. Will it get easier to watch her leave? I choose to believe that it will. Will your heart break EVERY time? I will pray it gets easier for you and that she moves close to home in the near future. I love you my friend. I'm always here for you, "T"
